Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Far Too Long

It has been too long since my last update and I apologize for that. I have much to update.

First, some of you might not be aware of this but I suffer from an eating disorder. It has gone through better and worse shifts but it has been there for years. About a month ago I started treatment for it in the way of an intensive outpatient group at a local facility. As it turns out, soon it will be time for me to leave the group. Do I feel that I am ready? No, not really. But, I am going to get a nutritionist so that I can maybe get myself into a more stable place. Will all be "fixed" after that? Nope. Recovery is a work in progress...I just have to keep working for now. Some days are much easier than others, some days seem impossible but aren't really.

In other news, I am roommate hunting. Ha ha! My past roommate moved out in mid January and I need someone to replace her. I have been putting ads in Craigslist but the room still is unrented as of yet. I might repost after writing this, actually...

Phoebe is 100% again. :) It is so good to have her healthy again. I was so worried while she was sick, and while I am still paying off her vet bills, I can finally take a deep breath knowing that she is safe.

I am teaching myself how to knit! Shocking huh?! So far, I can only do a few rows but that isn;t too bad for a couple of days in! I am going to get myself some better starter yarn and then see where I can go with this. I think it would be awesome to be able to make things like scarves and such!

This weekend I am going to see ROLLER DERBY! Woohoo! I am so glad that it has started again. :) It is the opening bout and I am definitely ready for it. There is someone in my recovery group that might join me for future bouts too. It will be good not to be there alone.

For my Birthday (not until the 3rd) I bought myself a new camera. *sigh* I love it. I will have to post some pictures as soon as I can. (Which means later tonight or tomorrow since I am at work at the moment.) I needed a new one, so lets hope I have lots of new adventures to take pictures of!

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